E2DRIVER was recently presented at two separate events on digital technologies – the “Boot Camp” event at Unite! and the Virtual Symposium on « Digital Interventions To Reduce Distress and Moral Injury ». E2DRIVER partner POLITO made the case for VR technologies developed in E2DRIVER, demonstrating their benefits and opportunities as well as their application in academia and some more demanding professional environments.

The Unite! Boot Camp

Unite! is a network of universities that aims at implementing a new model for a European virtual and physical inter-university campus. The annual Boot Camp presents the developments on the Unite! Virtual Campus and the Unite! Teaching and Learning Academy its community. Titled “Flipping on-site training”, the E2DRIVER presentation at the Boot Camp on June 16, 2021, showcased the project’s VR technology as an innovative training tool that offers a solution to various challenges concerning hands-on learning exercises in a university setting. More precisely, E2DRIVER’s VR session on electrical switchboards was highlighted as a good example of how this technology can overcome the low realism of fake electrical switchboards typically used for teaching purposes at POLITO.

To learn more about how E2DRIVER’s VR technology was applied in the process, take a look at this presentation from the Unite! Boot Camp!

Virtual Symposium on « Digital Interventions To Reduce Distress and Moral Injury »

On June 21, 2021, Fabrizio Lamberti of POLITO presented E2DRIVER and its VR technology as part of a symposium on the developments in virtual reality and its application in the healthcare sector. The main topic of the event revolved around the role of digital interventions in helping understand and reduce the moral distress phenomenon. In this context, E2DRIVER’s VR solution to studying electrical cabinets portrayed a safe and near-realistic alternative to physical switchboards.

Find out more about the benefits of E2DRIVER’s VR tool in this presentation (selected slides for E2DRIVER).

The E2DRIVER Virtual reality session offers supplementary training as part of the main E2DRIVER training programme, aiming at strengthening trainees’ practical experience with energy audits in realistic scenarios.

Want to know what the VR session will look like in practice? Take a glimpse at this teaser video here.

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