E2DRIVER has received exposure at two distinct conferences in Germany. Our partner AEN has presented the project to a diverse audience, receiving positive feedback and spurring interest among potential pilot companies.
SMART HOME – Energy efficiency in future cities
In November, a conference about the process of digitisation and the future of cities took place in Baden-Baden, Germany. Organised by the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung in cooperation with AEN, the focus of the event was put on the impact of digitisation on the planning and management of buildings and the effort to make them more energy efficient, connected and adaptable. The event’s 80 attendees had the opportunity to learn about the intersection between digitisation and urban development and their role in innovative solutions in the field of smart cities and smart buildings.
Although the topic at hand related to energy efficiency at the building rather than industrial level, AEN invited its members and partners to the event as a co-host and took the opportunity to present E2DRIVER in the welcome speech. The project was further promoted at a booth, showcasing the project’s roll-up banner. E2DRIVER project cards were distributed to the participants of the conference. The goal was to interest companies to become pilot or replication companies in the project. Partners from AEN engaged the attendees in informal talks as well, communicating latest developments and the goals of the project.
At the end of September 2019, the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe transformed itself into a marketplace of ideas for the fourth time. Scientists met with representatives of small and medium-sized companies with the aim of jointly exploring new ideas, co-operations and concrete business opportunities with innovative technologies from the energy sector. Energy4U encompassed an expert conference with parallel sessions and a fair where energy-related technologies were presented, and companies had the opportunity to show their products, solutions and projects in the marketplace area.
Due to its concept of intermingling conference and fair, Energy4U brought together technology providers, technology users, research institutions and investors from the energy sector in the region of Karlsruhe. In short presentations and as exhibitors, participants were able to present their products, services, projects and innovative business ideas to an interested specialist audience and investors. The conference was divided into the focal points of energy conversion, energy storage, energy efficiency and energy transport with thematic blocks such as « efficient buildings », « innovative energy storage », « natural refrigerants », « e-mobility », « photovoltaics and light » and « creative minds ».
Energy4u was organized by the University of Applied Sciences and the EnergyForum of the Economic Development Department of the City of Karlsruhe and was supported by the regional competence centre Energy Efficiency Middle Upper Rhine (KEFF). In addition, Energy4u offered a wide range of networking opportunities with the Karlsruhe Business Ecosystem.
The E2DRIVER was presented with a booth by Fatih Günes, Cluster Manager at AEN and Sieglinde Walz, CEO of AEN. For the E2DRIVER project and AEN this event was an opportunity to present the projects, talk to advisory group members, pilots and potential pilots/replication companies of the E2DRIVER project.