E2DRIVER project will select 12 pilot companies (3 for country: Spain, Italy, France and Germany) to implement the methodology. They will be the first companies in which the design training courses and interventions will be tested engaging a total of 180 employees. Then additional replication companies will undertake E2DRIVER training and a total of 60 experts will be trained for free in E2DRIVER capacity building programme to replicate the project results.
In addition, after the end of the project, both the consortium and the community of E2DRIVER will disseminate and exploit the results. This will maximize the exploitation potential of project results as well as address stakeholders’ need and expectations, reaching and audience of 50.000 people and more than 1.000 companies. This approach will enable companies to transform the new skills and knowledge obtained into an opportunity to explore new energy efficiency measures together with E2DRIVER community. Furthermore, the potential of the E2DRIVER methodology is huge and can be implemented in several sectors:
- Manufacturing and service companies from other sectors
- Industrial associations
- Regional value chain actors
- Policy makers
- Others