Project structure

E2DRIVER is divided into 6 work packages, all of which work in synthesis with one another to achieve the project’s objectives.

Management and coordination

This work package deals with the overarching objectives of the project in terms of time, quality and costs. It manages the consortium, internal communication and the functioning of the governing bodies by applying appropriate management tools, methods and decision-making processes. Through WP1, periodic communication and reporting of the project’s progress to the European Commission are also conducted.

Benchmarking and analysis of training programmes at the automotive sector

To lay the foundations of the capacity building programme, related initiatives in the area of energy audits and energy efficiency are accounted for in terms of tools, platforms, networks and assessments of stakeholder capabilities and needs. A benchmarking analysis is also developed, and the needs of potential companies under training are assessed.

Development of the training methodology and the E2DRIVER platform

This work package gets into the nuts and bolts of the methodology for an effective design of the capacity building programme. The training material, tools and course recommendations are developed and assessed in cooperation with E2DRIVER companies and put on the learning platform that is finalised at this stage. Finally, a monitoring and evaluation plan is defined.

Implementation of training on energy audits and energy efficiency measures

This work package is the core of the project. It executes the proper implementation of the E2DRIVER methodology in 12 pilot companies and 28 replication companies in France, Spain, Germany and Italy. After its implementation, the methodology is refined to be used after the project’s end. Central to WP4 is also the development of training courses for 60 people who shall become experts with permanent capacity on energy efficiency issues. The supervision of the implementation of energy measures is also managed at this stage.

E2DRIVER evaluation and exploitation

To ensure lasting success, the impact of the methodology at the companies is assessed, and the final documentation and recommendations of the project are developed. In addition, the exploitation potential and replication strategy of the methodology and the platform are established.

Communication, dissemination and networking

Communication and dissemination of the current project developments and results are essential for the exposure of the project. To achieve that, this part of the project is responsible for the development of a communication strategy adapted to different target groups. This includes the fabrication of communication materials, organisation of events and the engagement of main stakeholders in project activities.