Project E2DRIVER

“Training on energy audits as an Energy Efficiency DRIVER for the automotive sector“

Project E2DRIVER

Energy efficiency is a key priority for the EU’s sustainable growth strategy. Despite wide-ranging energy efficiency measures, SMEs still suffer from a knowledge gap and face difficulties in attracting the necessary investments.

SMEs in the automotive sector in particular are some of the highest energy consumers in Europe. E2DRIVER helps create awareness about cost-effective energy efficiency improvements in the automotive industry, thereby contributing to the reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.


Project structure

E2DRIVER is divided into 6 work packages, all of which work in synthesis with one another to achieve the project’s objectives.

Project Partners

12 project partners from 5 countries are part of the E2DRIVER project. They come from Spain, Germany, Italy, France and Belgium.

How it works?

E2DRIVER methodology

E2DRIVER teaches firms in the automotive industry how to conduct energy audits, increase their energy efficiency and reduce energy-related costs. Through a people-centred approach, the training methodology is adapted to each trainee’s needs and ambitions. An innovative learning platform, containing training materials, tools and lessons developed in the project, facilitates the application of the training. The platform’s strength also lies in the fact that it serves as a hub where trainees can exchange new skills and insights among themselves to collaboratively bridge the knowledge gap on energy audits.

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