E2DRIVER: Innovative ways to reduce the carbon footprint and to save energy in the automotive supply industry in Europe (May 10, 2022)
E2RIVER started in 2019 with the aim of developing a platform for innovative energy efficiency trainings designed for automotive SMEs. The project composed of 12 partners from Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Germany and is coordinated by the CIRCE Foundation headquarters in Zaragoza. At its final event, held in Madrid on 10 May 2022, the consortium discussed the achieved energy saving benefits and energy efficiency gains for the participating companies, and opportunities for the training program to be expanded to other manufacturing sectors.
Erudino Llano Güemes (CIRCE), project coordinator: “The main reason why we decided to do the E2DRIVER project was to encourage small and medium-sized companies in the automotive sector to incentivize energy efficiency measures and energy audits in their companies.”
E2DRIVER consortium |
The project successfully developed energy efficiency trainings according to the needs of companies and according to the training preferences of different staff profiles. It developed innovative learning approaches and an “Ontological Flip Teaching”-concept, committed to disseminate and scaling up the processes, knowledge, and expertise. Despite the immense role of energy consumption in industrial supply chains and high energy saving potential, E2DRIVER represents a pioneer project in approaching the whole automotive sector. The project’s adaptive and flexible (physical or online) teaching and learning methodology targets bots top management level as well as the operational staff. E2DRIVER also achieved remarkable social innovations: participating companies, trainers and trainees stated a changed energy behaviour and energy culture – in the companies but as well individually.
During three years of E2DRIVER 35 participating automotive companies identified 243 energy saving measures of which 130 are under or in the process of implementation – depending on their needs and possibilities. Due to the replication potential of these measures further manufacturing sectors and supply chains can benefit of E2DRIVER results.
Easy implementable and cost-efficient energy efficiency measures in SMEs can result in very high EU-wide energy saving potential and support the European Green Deal and its aim of greening the industry by avoiding and reducing European greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030.
E2DRIVER was running between 2019 to 2022, and has now been brought to completion, however, the strong interest in the innovative learning and teaching methodology and materials encourages the project partners to find solutions for a continuation of the jointly established and very successful training platform.
- Find more info on E2DRIVER’s news channels YouTube, Twitterand LinkedIn.
- Final Event of E2DRIVER: Find the presentation of the project coordination (CIRCE)
- Recording of the final event can be found here.
Main contact: Erudino Llano Güemes (CIRCE, E2DRIVER Coordination) ellano@fcirce.es
Communication: Dr. Vera Tekken (EPCgGmbH, E2DRIVER C&D) tekken@e-p-c.de
For more information visit: www.e2driver.eu